This lecture course was available during the spring semester of 2024

The lectures are held on the second floor of the Frontier Sciences building (Map, building 8). The lecture time is Wednesday 14:55-16:40. Lectures are currently scheduled for the following dates:

April 17益田中性子でみる磁性体の世界
Neutron as a probe of magnetic material
April 24
May 1真弓高分子材料の強靭化
Toughening of polymeric materials
May 8
May 15宮田超強磁場を用いた先端物性科学
Advanced materials science in ultrahigh magnetic fields
May 22
June 5Lippmaa酸化物薄膜の成長と構造解析
Growth and Structural Analysis of Thin Oxide Films
June 12
June 19山下超伝導・超流動
Superconductivity and superfluidity
June 26
July 3岡本結晶性固体の電子機能
Electronic Functions of Crystalline Solids
July 10